About Us
Discover the power inside you!
We are a multi Media and EdTech Company, focused on developing and distributing content celebrating the world and our rich and unique heritages, cultures, histories, folkstories, music, cuisine and all the unique goodness we each posess.
Join our kijiji (village) and discover the power that lies in you!

Our Story
KIBERA KIDZ was inspired by immigrant parents raising their children in the US and recognizing the limited diverse and culturally relevant learning materials available for their families. Throughout their many visits to the beautiful content of Africa, to countries like Tanzania, Botswana, Zambia, South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria & Ghana to mention a few, families have enjoyed an enriched cultural immersion experience by engaging in local cultural activities, share family and traditional norms, values, cuisine and a way of life.
Families recognized this cultural immersion and educational experience need to continue beyond the family vacations.
The founder of KIBERA KIDZ was inspired after a family visit to her native country of Tanzania and spending time in a small, quant village called Kibera - beautifully tucked away on the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro - the birth-home of the founder's parents.
The experience cultivated a sense of discovery for the family and a need to teach and share this with the world and KIBERA KIDZ.

Our Mission and Vision
Africa is home to over 50 countries, 3,000 tribes and 2,000 languages. Approximately 1/3 of the world's languages are native to Africa.
Early childhood educational content is disproportionately represented and made available to families living outside of Africa. Available content often excludes the rich diversity, culture, languages and heritages of Africa.
Our mission is simple, enhance our global village by developing culturally and ethnic relevant, accurate and diverse content for early childhood learners with a focus on Africa.
Join our kijiji (village) and discover the power that lies in you!
Our Core Values and Learning Principles
As we work towards enhancing our global village, we ensure the content we develop meets the following KIBERA KIDZ learning principles and core values.
Content that is authentic and culturally relevant and accurate.
Content that is educational and appropriate to our young early childhood learners.
Content that is educational and entertaining so it will engage our young learners.
Learning content that is innovative and engaging to our young learners.
Content that is culturally respectful and honors the diverse communities represented.
Content that strives to teach children of African heritage self-respect and pride in their heritage.